‘Criminal attacks’ force ZAC mine to close ‘temporarily’

In a statement issued on Monday ZAC confirmed the closure

A SECOND incident at the Ngwabe Shaft at Zululand Anthracite Colliery on Wednesday night has forced management to close the mine temporarily.

In a statement issued on Monday ZAC confirmed the closure.

‘During the past few weeks ZAC has been plagued by criminal activities around the mining shafts, culminating in a second arson incident at Ngwabe shaft on 23 March that resulted in further property damage and serious injury to one of our employees,’ read the statement.

The employee in question sustained severe burns to his left hand and another office was reduced to cinders.

This is the second attack of this nature the first taking place in the early hours of Thursday 17 March.

A group of suspects cut through the fence around the shaft and proceeded to set fire to an office.

‘A decision has unfortunately been made to temporarily suspend operations at ZAC until these perpetrators are arrested and the security situation can be brought under control,’ continued the statement.

Managing Director for ZAC Niels Kristensen said he did not know for how long the shutdown would continue, but management was sure the closure would not affect supply to their customers.

‘Our focus remains on continuing to run the mine, with the safety and well-being of our 1 350 employees and contractors as a priority.’

Ulundi SAPS confirmed last week that one man had been arrested and investigations were ongoing.

ZAC produces roughly 700 000 tons of premium quality anthracite annually which is used by smelters around the country.

ALSO READ: ZAC plagued by ‘criminal element’ 

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