Zululand child rape shocker

‘Crime is the major challenge to freedom in South Africa' - District Mayor Thembeka Mchunu

IN a bitter indictment against a sick society, 695 cases of sexual assault against children aged 12 or below were recorded in the uThungulu District in the last nine months of 2015.

This shocking statistic was reported by outraged district Mayor Thembeka Mchunu during her presentation at the uThungulu District Crime Summit on Monday.

The figures – and these are only known and reported cases – stemmed from the quarterly Aids reports submitted last week by the District.

Add to that the victims over the age of 12, and the picture is one of revulsion and shame.

Clearly on the warpath against crime, Mchunu said the April to June quarter last year had seen 214 child sexual assault victims, followed by 203 and 278 respectively in the next two quarters.

Figures for January to March 2016 are still awaited and could be even higher owing to the holiday period.

Mchunu said the abuse was intolerable and the link to human trafficking must be taken very seriously.

‘We need to look closer into the people who are illegally living in green belts and open land, as well as in dilapidated buildings.

‘While some might well be honest job seekers, we stand the real danger of slowly being infiltrated not just by criminal gangs and traffickers, but also by terror groups.

‘These illegals are a ticking time bomb. Who are they?

‘Before we know it, we may have Boko Haram in our midst,’ said Mchunu.

Bribery and corruption

‘Crime is the major challenge to freedom in South Africa, and while it is especially abhorrent when children and the elderly are victims, crime is indiscriminate and impacts equally on everyone.

‘While unemployment is often given as a cause, this does not hold true for white collar crime, corruption and bribery that also cause endless hurt.

‘I include those working in government departments demanding bribes for grant assistance,’ said Mchunu.

The province’s First Lady also dwelt on the ‘scary drug stats for this area’ and said drug dealers were well known by communities.

‘Anti-crime campaigns must start in areas where drug abuse is high. We need an Operation Identify Drug Lords to arrest, convict and drive them out.’

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