
Police clamp down on burglary suspects

Housebreaking suspects apprehended in Alton a day after committing crime

HOUSEBREAKING suspects who committed a crime in Wildeweide last Thursday afternoon were apprehended a day later in Alton by the Richards Bay SAPS.

Charged with housebreaking and theft, Gregory Klein (47), Jermaine Klein (33) and Tony Swart (27) appeared in the Richards Bay Magistrate’s Court on Monday and were remanded in custody until 29 February for their formal bail application.

According to Richards Bay SAPS spokesperson, Captain Debbie Ferreira two of the suspects were apprehended on Friday while the third was arrested on Sunday.

‘The complainant arrived home from work at about 4.50pm and found that the sliding door to his home had been forced opened.

‘A television, laptop and jewellery were stolen,’ said Ferreira.

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