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Unizulu acting Vice- Chancellor commits to change

Unizulu commits to improve teaching and learning, and curb unnecessary expenditure

CREATING quality learning and enhancing financial control was on the top agenda during the University of Zululand (Unizulu) opening ceremony at the Bhekuzulu Hall in KwaDlangezwa on Monday.

Addressing students and staff during the State of the University Address, acting Vice-Chancellor Prof Xoliswa Mtose, outlined the key goals for the year ahead.

She renewed the institution’s commitment to providing a supportive teaching and learning environment for all students.

‘We will focus on recruiting and retaining qualified staff, and increasing research outputs. We are in the process of finalising teaching and learning policies.

‘The development of students remains one of the core focus areas for this university. This is achieved through a number of targeted programmes and interventions, which include the tutor training programme,’ said Mtose.

Concerns regarding students’ accommodation, learning and teaching spaces were also highlighted. According to Mtose, a number of capital projects have been planned.

The programme includes the new student residences at KwaDlangezwa campus, and further investments are designed with a new stability unit and a multi-purpose building.

‘Accommodation for students at the Richards Bay Campus remains a concern. Funds have also been set aside for the establishment of a disability unit and for the purchase of equipment for the physically and visually impaired.’

Curbing unnecessary expenditure

The burning issue of cutting costs was also highlighted during the address.

Mtose said the university aims to develop a culture of cost saving and cut unneeded and wasteful expenditure.

‘We have no option but to tighten our belts, and expect each department to implement austerity measures.

‘We therefore call on all external stakeholders to come on board and partner with us in mobilising resources and contributing to the creation of new ideas whereby we can successfully navigate through the murky waters of change,’ she said.

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