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Have UFOs visited Empangeni?

Crop circles made by extra-terrestrials, or sugar cane fiends?

IN a top secret location, about 5km outside Empangeni (towards Heatonville, first gravel road to the left), strange markings have appeared in the sugar cane fields.

Photographs shared on social media have led local farmers to believe that UFOs could be more than just a myth.

One farmer, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was afraid of attack from outer space, said although he had not seen or heard anything strange, a large area of flattened sugar cane had appeared overnight.

‘I am not saying it is aliens. But what if it was? What if they have now discovered sugar cane, and they come back for more?

Eyethu Bay Watch journalists set out to investigate.

Since the 1600’s, crop circles have been the stuff of conspiracy theorists’ dreams.

Many claim crop circles are caused by the engines and weight of space craft coming in to land in the wide open fields.

Science and technology (especially the Internet) has since proved this theory to be a bit…out of this world.

Despite no formal research being done to date, one expert has published numerous papers on the matter, saying that 80% of crop circles are created by humans as hoaxes or art.

Empangeni’s very own crop circle debacle of 2016 is even more easily explained.

The farm in question, uses high-tech water-saving irrigation systems, which means the cane on the farm is very healthy.

The night in question, when the circles ‘appeared’, there was very heavy winds, causing the most top heavy cane plants to fall over.

Just this week journalists visited the site, and can report that the cane is growing furiously once more.

As to the other 20% of unexplained causes for crop circles, only time will tell.

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