UPDATE: Singleton murderer sentenced to life

Bay resident Kerridge Singleton's murderer sentenced to life imprisonment

RELATIVES of murdered Richards Bay resident Kerridge Singleton, expressed their relief following the conviction and sentencing of his murderer in the Mtunzini High Court on Friday.

The accused, Sikhumbuzo Thulani Zondo (25) and Senzo Sipho Sithole Zondi (31), were indicted for the murder and armed robbery of Singleton in September 2014, but in a comprehensive judgement, Judge Sharmane Balton convicted only Zondi on the main counts.

Judge Balton called the evidence against him ‘overwhelming’.

Zondi formally pointed out the place where the murder took place to a police captain, although he later claimed he was assaulted and forced to make statements.

Zondi told the officer that he was with another person at the time of the murder, that they killed a white man by stabbing him and took his vehicle, which was driven by the second person.

After drinking alcohol, they drove in the direction of Empangeni along the Melmoth road where they had an accident when the driver lost control.

They then left the vehicle there and went back to Richards Bay.

The judge said the state witnesses were impressive, clear, were not contradicted and corroborated one another.

‘The accused on the other hand were pathetic, argumentative, evasive and arrogant.

‘Their versions were fraught with inconsistencies and were constantly embellished as they testified.’

State Advocate Naveen Sewpersat argued that Zondo acted in common purpose with Zondi.

Judge Balton in judgement said although there was no doubt in her mind that the accused were together when Singleton was robbed and killed, there was no evidence that they planned the attack, or that Zondo was aware that Zondi had a knife and would use it to kill the deceased.

She found that the evidence did not satisfy the principles of common purpose.

Judge Balton said Zondo was unable to refute evidence that he was in possession of Singleton’s vehicle. His palm print and blood were found inside the deceased’s vehicle.

She convicted Zondo for possession of stolen property and sentenced him to six years imprisonment.

Zondi was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for robbery with aggravating circumstances and life imprisonment for the murder.

His sentences will run concurrently.

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