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KwaMbonambi crime concerns have residents up in arms

‘We no longer feel safe in Kwambo’

THE murders of David (76) and Ann (73) Strauss last Sunday in the quiet town of KwaMbonambi seems to be the latest in a spate of crimes that has residents feeling ‘like prisoners in our own homes’.

‘In December the complex where I stay had a burglary and three more attempted break-ins,’ said a concerned resident who did not wish to be named.

‘We all thought that living in a complex was safe, but I’m not so sure anymore. We are living like prisoners in our own homes.

‘The number of burglaries have really put people on edge and as far as we know no one has been caught. People no longer feel safe in Kwambo,’ she said.

‘And now this sad murder has shocked everyone. This was a quiet, peaceful town with the friendliest people living here.’

The woman referred the ZO to other residents, who all painted a similar picture – KwaMbonambi has become overrun with crime.

But according to Crime Stats SA, KwaMbonambi SAPS recorded 23 attempted murder cases in 2015 compared to 40 in 2014.

Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm dropped from 307 in 2014 to 291 in 2015.

Residential burglaries dockets numbered 342 and 292 for 2014 and 2015 respectively, while business burglaries went up from 132 to 135.

Residents have meanwhile resorted to WhatsApp and Facebook groups to share criminal activity and keep each other informed as well as a Facebook group.

One resident, Scott Trollip, posed a poignant question.

‘With all this crime happening recently, should we as a community not come together and do something to put a halt to all this?

‘Also, what is the municipality prepared to do?’

Heather Oosthuizen , owner of Trellidor Richards Bay who has years of experience making homes safe, said that burglaries have been a serious threat in Zululand for many years.

‘This is a countrywide problem and is not unique to Kwambo. The pattern seems to be that criminals target an area and when residents tighten up their security measures, they move on to the next, less secure suburb.’

It makes good sense to block criminals out with security gates, burglar proofing and safe zones within your home.

We’re here to help local residents and will do free security assessments for anyone that wants it, followed by recommendations on how to improve their security measures.’

ALSO READ: Family speaks out after ‘senseless’ Kwambo killings

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