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Call for public servants to fight for what is right

KZN Finance MEC, Belinda Scott says 'no' to unnecessary expenditure and corruption

KZN MEC for Finance, Belinda Scott has urged public servants to brace themselves for a challenging year ahead.
‘We are the face to the public purse strings – we are the ones who must say ‘no’ to unnecessary expenditure and corruption.

‘It is a difficult role to play, given the global and national economic climate and the spending pressures on key service delivery departments in this province.
‘Please stand firm, but remain understanding and sympathetic at all times.’
Scott made a special plea to all public servants and people of South Africa to remain committed to the democratic constitution we stand for – to fight for what is right and just and most important of all, to put our citizens first.
She was concerned by the alarming spate of racism and xenophobia, and the continued struggle for gender equality in this country and province.
‘Social media, in particular is an easy avenue to vent negative emotions with little or no cognisance of the consequences that may arise.
‘In the past few months we have witnessed this trend in the public pages of unscrupulous politicians and their scriptwriters and to a lesser extent within our daily environment.
‘This negativism can only distract us from our core function.
‘Together we need to face 2016 despite growing pressures, both financially and economically, with even less resources.
‘We will not be popular in our fiscal discipline.
‘If, however, we brace ourselves as a collective – we can conquer the world – let alone the province. You have my trust and support,’ she said.

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