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Mine loses millions to crime

Mine offeres R10 000 reward for theft information

THEFT at Richards Bay Minerals has reached a level where the mining giant is offering a R10 000 reward for information that leads to arrests and convictions.

Adding to the depressed mineral market, stealing is costing the company millions in loss of equipment and down time.

In a message to staff last week, Acting Managing Director Moses Thokwane said theft at the mine had reached proportions that are now threatening the viability of certain business operations.

‘As an example of the impact, cable theft at the mine is still frequently stopping our production of Heavy Mineral Concentrate.

‘Because of this, if anyone has any information on any criminal activity, we are encouraging all employees and contractors to come forward and disclose this information, which will be treated confidentially, with anonymity guaranteed.

‘I urge you to speak directly to the RBM manager of your area, to make sure to make sure we continue to be a sustainable organization,’ said Thokwane.

Crime at the mine can be reported to 0800 980838 or 035 9013206.

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