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Lights finally on for patient communities

It's lights on for Ngqungqu/ Oviceni communities

FOR the community members of Ngqungqu/ Oviceni, Ward 3 in Ntambanana Christmas brought them the gift they have waited for since the dawn of democracy – electricity.

Like an island, these communities have found themselves left out in the dark, waiting for their homes to be electrified for years.

The community claims the municipality had given them empty promises for years.

‘But finally this December they kept their promise,’ said Ward 3 committee member Siphamandla Dludla, who stated they have even planned to celebrate their greatest Christmas gift of all.

‘We have decided to have a braai on 31 December. We will pool together R20 per household, buy meat and some goodies, and rejoice for finally having electricity, the lights having been turned on, on 18 December,’ a delighted Dludla said.

Ntambanana Municipality Speaker Cllr Khumbulani Vilakazi said the two communities are very excited for finally having electricity installed in their homes.

‘As Ntambanana Municipality we are very happy for these communities to finally have power.

‘We decided as councillors to ‘borrow’ budget allocations from other community projects, pool the money together to finish the electrification of Ngqungqu/ Oviceni electricity project, and we are glad the community members are celebrating having power this Christmas,’ Vilakazi said.

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