Promotion for Empangeni top cop

We interview one of Empangeni's top cops who was recently promoted

EMPANGENI Murder and Robbery detective Kalvin Van Dayar, who has been with the police force since 1992, is celebrating after being promoted last week.

The veteran now holds the rank of Lieutenant, and has been appointed Group Leader of the Empangeni Violent Crimes unit.

With more than 100 successful arrests under his belt, Van Dayar can only be described as a top cop.

‘Being a police officer is a calling,’ he says. ‘Even while I was still in school I knew I wanted to be a policeman.’

After joining the police in 1992, Van Dayar spent two years as part of a Farm Watch unit before moving to the Visible Policing Unit.

He joined the detectives unit in 1995 and has been serving there ever since.

‘My brother Preggie and I were two of the first members of the detectives’ field unit.’

For 16 years, Van Dayar investigated some of the most serious crimes in Empangeni.

His most vivid memory is of an incident that occurred in Mevamhlope.

‘My brother and I drove right into a group of 13 armed suspects who were travelling with two hijacked vehicles.

‘I don’t know how or why, but by the grace of God we escaped unharmed, and all 13 suspects were arrested soon after backup arrived.

‘That day will always be on my mind.’

Van Dayar paid tribute to two fallen policeman, Sergeant Niren ‘Foxy’ Ramsaroop and Captain Errol Tustin, who both died in recent weeks.

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