
Rapist landlord gets life

Ayanda Sibiya repeatedly raped his tenant in the Pongola home.

THE KZN MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Willies Mchunu welcomed the life term and additional 10 years meted out to Ayanda Sibiya for repeatedly raping his tenant and threatening to kill her in Pongola.

It is reported in May 2014 Sibiya allegedly entered the 21-old woman’s room, where she was renting at his home and raped her five times, and then threatened to kill her.

The woman reported the crime and Sibiya was arrested by the Ulundi Family Violence, Child and Sexual Offences Unit.

After numerous court appearances, Sibiya was convicted on Tuesday and sentenced to life imprisonment, plus an additional 10 years.

Welcoming the sentence, Mchunu said it sends a loud message to criminals and would-be offenders that those who rape and attack women would be brought to justice.

‘The pain felt by the victim of this rapist, her family and friends is immeasurable,’ said Mchunu.



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