Water restrictions for Mthonjaneni

Mthonjaneni restricted to save water as dams run low.

THE uThungulu District Municipality has called on Melmoth and Thubalethu residents to use water sparingly.

Due to the untimely depletion of the water supply and the ongoing drought, the municipality has now implemented daily water restrictions.

Water will only be available between 4am and 7pm.

Should there be insufficient water to release to the residents, water tankers will be placed at designated points in the town.

Further to the water restrictions they are also enforcing other restrictions, including: no irrigation of gardens, washing of vehicles with a hose pipe, filling or topping up swimming pools or the use of high pressure cleaners using large volumes of water.

They also call on residents to curb water leaks on their properties and inform the municipality of leaks in the reticulation system.

Water use will be closely monitored and any excessive use will be viewed seriously and council may impose penalties in such cases.

Read more on water restrictions in Zululand HERE 



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