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Neighbourhood Watch calls for more volunteers

The scourge of crime has necessitated the call for more volunteers to help patrol.

THE Empangeni Neighbourhood Watch has been patrolling suburban streets night after night, creating a physical deterrent to criminal elements.

One of the founding members of the volunteer group, Kathleen Wiborg, has issued a plea for help.

‘Crime is on the increase right now,’ she said. ‘We have footage showing that it is a teenage gang. So even when they are caught they are released again as they are too young for charges to stick.

‘It becomes very discouraging for the men who sacrifice their time. The only thing that seems to deter criminals is the visibility of our patrols.’

The core group of volunteers is becoming increasingly hard-pressed to fulfil their day-to-day obligations and still keep the neighbourhoods safe.

‘We are asking for more people to become involved so we can be a more effective.

The Neighbourhood Watch is in regular contact with the police through CPF forums, which is used to keep police aware of crime.

If you wish to become involved, contact Wiborg on 071 2413392.

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