Minister of Police says police will come to the party

The Minister of Police promises renewed commitment towards continued cooperation between SAPS and the CPF's.

THE Minister of Police promised that police will come to the party and work towards repairing a breakdown of trust and cooperation in their relationship with local civilian support structures, including the Meerensee Community Policing Forum (CPF).

Minister Nkosinathi Nhleko, made the commitment on behalf of SAPS, following a list of serious concerns tabled at a special meeting between the Minster and various civilian crime patrol initiatives and community watchdogs at the NG Church Meerensee, on Monday.

Representatives of the Meerensee CPF, the private security sector, Business Against Crime (BAC), the Empangeni Division of the Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZCCI), uThungulu District Municipality and other interested parties were in attendance to hear the Minister’s views on the escalating crime in Meerensee and other suburbs.

Dave Whittaker, Chairman of Zululand Business Against Crime (BAC) and Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZCCI) addressing the Minister on behalf of the business community

The meeting was chaired by Ds Rupert de Koning, following third party intervention by local businessman Alexis Steenkamp, who mediated in gathering civilians and police around the table to discuss causes of the rift.

Owner of Northern Region Protection Services (NRPS), Corrie Pretorius, listed a number of serious concerns illustrated by documented examples of poor police response time after house breakings, various failures of the 10111 response number and default in processing of suspects after their apprehension by citizen patrols.

Henk van Niekerk, chairman of the Meerensee CPF, tendered his resignation as chairman, saying he was not able to reach the CPF objectives to support and defend the police as a partner, because SAPS has never come to the table, despite countless efforts by CPF members to aid the police in their private time and at their own expense.

‘How do you bring back a relationship of trust?

‘I am sincerely and totally disappointed and disheartened,’ he said.

Chairman of BAC and the Empangeni ZCCI, Dave Whittaker, said drug dealers are taking over the town, as can be seen in the number of house breakings, which are closely related to drug dealing.

He said existing structures should be supported and strengthened instead of putting in place new structures such as a proposed task team.

A number of delegates from both sides will meet shortly to discuss the way forward.

Outgoing Meerensee CPF Chairman, Henk van Niekerk and security expert, Corrie Pretorius of Northern Region Protection Services, presented a list of documented crime concerns in Meerensee


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