5 most dangerous spiders

Creepy and very crawly, here are the spiders you should avoid.

ACCORDING to Daniel Heenop, a local spider expert, people mistakenly assume that the jumping spider is behind nasty bites.

‘In South Africa approximately 5 000 different species of spider have been identified,’ he said.

‘Out of that number, only five are considered harmful to humans.’

He explained that the Jumping Spider is not venomous.

The Jumping Spider is getting the flak for all the local bites. But is it innocent or guilty as charged? Photo – hibiscusseconds.co.za

‘The suddenly feared Jumping Spider is wrongfully accused as the main culprit behind all local spider bites, with many doctors ‘identifying’ the bite, signs and symptoms of Cytotoxic bites as that of the Jumping Spider.’

Only the bite from a spider with Cytotoxic venom may cause nasty, ulcerating wounds and even possible limb amputation.

‘Any person dealing with the treatment of spider bites should familiarise themselves with the correct symptoms of different bites in order to make the correct decisions prior to treatment.’


Venomous spiders

If you see these mostly nocturnal arachnids in your home or yard, it is best to avoid or eradicate them.

If you are in doubt, contact a professional to assist.

If you are bitten by any spider, seek medical attention immediately.

More on spider bites HERE

The Violin spider. Venom – cytotoxic
The Sac Spider. Venom – cytotoxic
The infamous Black Widow spider. Venom – neurotoxic
The Brown Widow spider. Venom – neurotoxic
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