Day Nite walk a resounding success despite gatecrashers

Just under R70 000 was raised by the community at the event.

THE fund-raising team that spearheaded the inaugural Cancer Day Nite walk held at the ZCBF showgrounds in Richards Bay on Saturday, is celebrating a resounding success.

The team managed to raise just over R100 000 to be donated to fighting cancer, with yet more funds still flowing in and being counted.

Organiser Barbara Moscicki was elated at the numbers that turned out to support the event.

‘A huge thank you must go to all those who participated, and especially the small business community who really came to the table.

‘Around 850 people turned up to show their support, and it was great.

‘We have looked at some of the things that worked and some that didn’t, which we will take into consideration when planning the next event.’

Of great appreciation was the new time slot, from 11am to 11pm, opening up the event to more residents who could not stay all night as in previous years.

However, this did literally leave the door open for a group of alcohol-bearing hooligans who arrived after dark and caused a premature end to proceedings – including sections of the programme designed to convey the emotive and personal side of the cancer journey.

The organisers wish to thank all those who made a contribution, as well as volunteers who offered up their time to lend a helping hand.

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