Poaching activities thwarted

The fight against poaching continues and yielded numerous successes within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park in recent days.

JOINT operations between Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW) rangers and police officers have resulted in the recent arrest of suspected poachers, as well as the confiscation of weapons, gill nets and boats linked to various illegal activities within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.

After responding to uMkhuze-based EKZNW field rangers’ reports of fresh spoor on Monday, the Anti-Poaching Unit came into contact with five suspected rhino poachers who fled when challenged.

The suspects were pursued on foot and by air but got away.

On Tuesday a .375 rifle with silencer, an axe and backpack were recovered.

While no arrests were made, this is considered a success as rhinos were saved and a firearm was removed from the system.

On Sunday, two suspected poachers were arrested while attempting to enter iSimangaliso’s Western Shores.

Sifiso Mhlango (21) from Mpumalanga and Josias Msimango (49) from Melmoth were arrested and a .303 rifle with silencer and nine rounds of ammunition were confiscated.

The two appeared at Mtubatuba Magistrate’s Court on Monday and were remanded in custody until Monday.

Boats destroyed

Last Thursday, illegal gill nets and other poaching equipment were seized in Lake St Lucia Estuary after a boat was spotted on the estuary near Sunset Jetty. EKZNW Marine Conservation staff intercepted the suspects in Dukuduku.

‘As they saw the vehicle approaching, the suspects ran away, leaving behind four gill nets with a total length of 1 229m, five white buckets with three of them containing fish and two empty, and one white bag full of fish,’ said Marine Conservation Manager, Siboniso Duma.

Furthermore, 18 illegal boats found in vegetation along the estuary shoreline were destroyed.

According to the SAPS Joint Compliance Committee, these boats, apart from being used for gill netting, have been used by perpetrators to cross the estuary to pursue criminal activities in St Lucia town.


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