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It’s time to take water seriously

Eco-friendly urinals and toilets save litres of water.

IN just ten short years, 800 million people will be experiencing absolute water scarcity, and two thirds of the global population could be living under dire threat due to a lack of fresh drinking water.

The Zululand Observer stable of publications has been increasing its coverage of the drought situation – but are we taking the issue seriously enough?

This month, Zululand dam levels have fallen dramatically, adding to the steady decline experienced through a catastrophically dry summer season.

Dam levels

Goedertrouw – 36%

Hluhluwe – 40.2%

Klipfontein – 53.8%

Pongolapoort – 58.1%

And, while local sugar farmers are counting the costs of a record-low for sugar production, it is time we start implementing saving measures within our businesses.

Empangeni environmental specialist and Due Green agent, Charlene Pienaar, says that by making a few changes within local industry, we can collectively contribute to ensuring we save the precious water that we do have access to.

Water-Use-Chart (Pic 2)

‘Flushing clean water away to dispose of waste water is clearly a flawed system, not only in terms of the environmental drawbacks, but also from an economic standpoint,’ says Pienaar.

‘Upgrade toilet systems at factories and office blocks to more environmentally friendly options, a host of which have recently come onto the market. The latest products use no water, and this could save up to 130 000 litres of water per year,’ she says.

‘A building with just 25 eco-friendly urinals or toilets, such as those manufactured by Nu Leaf Projects and supplied by Due Green, will save over 3 million litres of water per year. Enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool.’

‘This is a massive figure, and one that needs to be addressed urgently.’

Waterless urinal system (pic 3)
Waterless urinal system



For more on the waterless urinal waste system go to Nu Leaf Projects or visit Charlene Pienaar’s Facebook page Due Green and email charlene@sureflo.co.za

* Source: Zululand Observer June 2015




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