Hawks swoop on suspected crooked cop

The Tanzanian was arrested by police on unknown charges and then charged R1 000 for his release.

THE Hawks swiftly arrested a cop who allegedly demanded a Tanzanian citizen pay him a R1 000 for the release of his brother, after his arrest for alleged possession of narcotics.

The walk-in complaint from the Tanzanian man spurned rapid action by the local Organised Crime Unit on Wednesday morning, which led to the arrest of Cst Bhekikhaya Mjiyakha of the Rapid Rail Police Unit (RRPU) of Durban.

The complainant reportedly told investigating officer, W/O Ryno Louw that police arrested his brother and other Tanzanians on unknown charges and demanded payment for his release.

While being interviewed, the police official phoned the man again, demanding that he should have the money at a popular fast food outlet in Richards Bay in five minutes.

He was further instructed to phone the cop upon arrival.


Within minutes, the Hawks conducted a special operation and observed the complainant being approached by a man in civilian clothes.

The suspect reportedly approached from the Richards Bay Police Station, walked straight to the complainant and a conversation ensued.

As the Hawks arrested the man, he reportedly denied being a police officer, refused to disclose his identity and said he was unarmed.

A body search however revealed his police service pistol, police identification and a packet of heroin, which he allegedly explained, was confiscated during a raid.

At the police station, the Hawks with the suspect, found other members of the RRPU, with about seven more Tanzanians in custody.

The unit with their unit commander are reportedly in the area for special operations but the rest of the members denied being involved in any corrupt activities.

A big argument however ensued at the police station as the Tanzanians accused the police of planting narcotics on them in order to arrest them and extort money from relatives.

Cst Bhekikhaya Mjiyakha appeared in the Richards Bay District Court on charges of corruption by a police official.

His bail is opposed by the State, pending further investigations in preparation for bail application.

The Tanzanian men who were arrested by the unit, including the complainant’s brother, appeared in the same court, also on Wednesday, the latter charged with possession of heroin.



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