Roadshows promote economic integration

District municipality conducted various road shows to discuss their IDP.

THE uThungulu District Municipality hosted an engagement session with local corporates and government departments to communicate its draft budget and Integrated Development Plan to the business sector.

Facilitated by Council Speaker Alice Mthembu, the sessions were also held with the aim of affording stakeholders an opportunity to present their key local economic programmes to the Council members.

Deputy Mayor Thulani Mashaba opened both sessions by addressing guests on the key economic opportunities available in the region.

He highlighted the need for business and government to integrate their thinking for the growth of the local economy.

‘These roadshows are one of the crucial forums in our district. All of you present here are important stakeholders. We need to integrate our thinking and ensure that all sectors of government are correlated,’ he said.

The major topic under scrutiny was the scarcity of water resources, with Mashaba highlighting it as a national crisis.

All members were urged to act responsibly and raise awareness on this growing concern.

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