eSikhaleni college students fight on

Students protests continued at uMfolozi TVET College's eSikhaleni campus with about 2 000 students complaining about poor facilities, lack of accommodation and unresolved student loans applications.

STUDENT protests continued at uMfolozi TVET College’s eSikhaleni campus with about 2 000 students complaining about poor facilities, lack of accommodation and unresolved student loans applications.

According to reports, no classes have been held at the campus since Wednesday last week.

Students say loan applications remain unpaid and the institution simply remains mum about the situation.

In response, uMfolozi TVET College Rector Sam Zungu said a pilot study was conducted by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to re-look at the application procedures, and a decision was taken that students should apply directly to the NSFAS central applications office.

‘As a result all decisions taken on who receives funding or not is a prerogative of the funder and not ours,’ Zungu said.

‘Student representatives, NSFAS delegates and campus managers were engaged in a meeting today (Wednesday) to try and resolve the impasse.’

eSikhaleni College SRC President Lindokuhle Ndlovu said, ‘The majority of students who study at the college come from poor backgrounds. As a result they flock to the college with the hope of receiving loans for their studies through NSFAS.

‘For the college to turn around and say the funds are exhausted is a fallacy.

‘Most of the students applied last year already and were allowed to register. To be told only now their applications were unsuccessful is senseless,’ Ndlovu said.

Ndlovu said classes would remain suspended while the student leadership finds a solution to the matter.

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