Mtunzini snake bite victim rushed to hospital

Can you help contact Freddie Norman's family?

A VISITOR to Mtunzini was rushed to Ngwelezana Hospital on Thursday morning after being bitten by a snake at Nature’s Way Backpackers.

Freddie Norman, who had been staying at Backpackers for the past month and works in Meerensee, was bitten by what is believed to be a Forest Cobra.

Employee Lee Sanders told the Zululand Observer Norman, who is assisting them with a project at the Backpackers, was moving some wood from a large pile.

‘The snake bit him and when he turned around, it bit him again, twice on the left calf,’ she said.

Sanders rushed Norman to the local doctor, who gave him an injection and told her she had half an hour to get him to hospital.

‘On the way there he told me the entire left side of his body was going numb. Just before we stopped at the hospital, he lost consciousness,’ she said.

Desperate plea

Sanders placed a poster on Facebook, asking for help in locating Norman’s next of kin.

A man contacted her on Friday morning and informed Sanders he was a friend of Norman’s mother.

‘I am a mother myself. If one of my kids were sick, I would definitely want to know,’ Sanders said.

‘Facebook is absolutely awesome. I have received so many phone calls and I am sure we will be able to track down his mother very soon.’

Norman is believed to be in a stable condition.


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