White rhino go under the hammer

Here is the latest news from the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife auction held in Durban.

A White Rhino female and calf fetched R710 000 on the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife auction held at Sibaya Casino and Entertainment Kingdom yesterday.

The average price for rhino was higher than over the last seven years at R365 000.

The previous highest average of R290 417 was last year.

The 24 White Rhino on auction fetched a total of R8 780 000.

The number of animals on sale were less than last year, but was still on a par bringing in R15 253 600.

R330 000 of this will go towards the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Community Levy.

Among the other animals on offer were 208 zebra which averaged R4 000, 429 Blue Wildebeest averaging R2 616 and 239 Blesbuck averaging R2 038.

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