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Clampdown on noisy bikers

Council will soon come down hard on bikers who disturb the peace.

THE City of uMhlathuze is to take a tougher stance on bikers who ride in greenbelt areas and show little consideration for residents.

This follows a string of residents’ complaints relating to the noise close to their homes, especially during weekends.

Bylaws regarding these activities are quite clear, and the City Council has made no secret of their intention to take firm action against riders who violate these laws.

Seasoned riders who generally comply, believe the problems are as a result of a large number of youngsters riding without supervision.

‘They are literally killing the sport for us,’ said an Empangeni rider.

‘They annoy their neighbours, and the next day we are confronted. We have in the past caught youngsters in town and have warned them about this. We invite them to ride with us so we could keep an eye on them and even teach them.’

The majority or riders say they ensure road regulations are adhered to, especially at intersections and crossings.

‘I ride 100 metres or so from my house into the bush,’ said another rider.

‘I keep the bike running at low revs until I am at a safe distance from houses before riding properly.’

‘There are areas outside of town where we ride,’ said a Bay rider.


According to City Communications Manager Mdu Ncalane, the traffic department would continue to clamp down on riders guilty of disturbing the peace.

‘The [traffic] department is proposing a Vision 2020 Expanded Enforcement Strategy which envisages a gradual increase in manpower, patrol vehicles and equipment to expand the level of service to all areas,’ said Ncalane.

‘This strategy will also ensure that the department increases the number of patrol bikes to deal with all situations necessary.’

According to Ncalane, bikers have often gotten away from officials owing to the fact the patrol cars could not follow them into rough terrain.

‘This challenge will be overcome by using patrol bikes to pursue the offenders,’ he said.


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