Check out these pet-friendly Easter treats

Chocolate may be good for us but it can be toxic to our pets.

BEFORE you splurge on Easter treats for the family pets, be warned – chocolate can kill.

‘Chocolate contains theobromine, a stimulant that is toxic to animals,’ said Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s veterinary advisor, Dr Guy Fyvie.

‘Dogs process theobromine much more slowly than humans, so it can easily build up to toxic levels.’

Fyvie added, many ‘treats’ can be bad for your pet’s health, ‘Xylitol, garlic, grapes and raisins are potentially toxic. Hard sweets and sugar can damage teeth. Excess calories in any form will be fattening.’

If your pet is a healthy weight edible treats can be included as part of their daily food, not in addition to their normal ration. No more than 10% of your pet’s nutrition should come from treats, at least 90% should come from a completely balanced pet food. Dr Fyvie gives the OK to some healthier options, such as popcorn, apples, carrot sticks or rice cakes.

Toys can be more fun than food; a ball or rope toy are classic choices and encourage active play. ‘The best recipe for a happy pet is a balanced diet, an active lifestyle and companionship. Your pets would prefer to share your time than your chocolates.’

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