Save water – it is the source of life

Water wise tips at home.

THE theme for National Water Week this year is ‘Water Has No Substitute’.

Unlike other commodities, when the last drop is used, it is gone.

Electricity, for example, can be replaced with gas, wood, batteries or paraffin, but life-giving water is limited.

The National Water Week is an awareness campaign by the Department of Water and Sanitation and concludes with World Water Day on Sunday.

It serves to highlight the value of water, the need for sustainable management of this scarce resource and the role water plays in eradicating poverty and under-development in South Africa.

Water wise tips – at home

• Turn all taps off when not in use

• Fix leaking taps and toilets

• Use a mug when brushing teeth

• Take a short shower, instead of a bath

• Use low-flow shower heads

• Reduce toilet flush volume with a two-litre bottle in the cistern

• Use bath or clothes washing water to flush the toilet

• Use a bucket for car washing

• Kettles and pots should not be filled to the brim, unless necessary.

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