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Stuck in a lift during load shedding?

The fear of being trapped in a lift is becoming a reality as load shedding woes plague South Africa.

GETTING stuck in a steel box for a few minutes, never mind hours, is a fear of numerous Zululanders. Cramped between people you do not know, in a dim little space, slowly losing most of its fresh air, is a nightmare come true.

Now this concern has become more of a reality since Eskom has laid out and implemented its load shedding plan.

However, these fears may never come to light, according to Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre, handyman Trevor Weston.

‘We are aware of the schedule Eskom has presented and five minutes before the power is expected to go off we monitor the lifts and do not allow shoppers to use them.

‘We even have staff members assisting shoppers with their trolleys when the lifts are not working. Once the power has been cut, we have a procedure where all the lifts in the centre are checked to make sure nobody is stuck in one of them.’

If this is the case, Weston went on to explain, the centre has a trained technician who is certified to move the lift to the required floor and then manually open the doors to allow the occupants out.

Boardwalk Inkwazi’s Marketing and PRO Manager, Angelique Wright told the Zululand Observer that the safety of customers and employees at the centre is one of their highest priorities.

‘Our businesses and services need to remain operating safely during these periods,’ explained Wright.

‘We have a number of contingency plans in place specifically designed to accommodate shoppers during these trying times. Most of our shops remain open and those without a back-up source remain open but only work with cash,’ she added.

If however you do find yourself caught in a stationary lift, remain calm and try to not panic.

Most lifts in shopping centres and offices have an emergency button which sounds an alarm, as well as an intercom system to alert management of you current predicament.

Emergency contact numbers are also available and with the use of a cellphone, help is not far away.

@Andrew Cornew

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