
Child killed in taxi violence

Violence intensifies in KwaMaphumulo area.

THE KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison, Willies Mchunu, has condemned the killing of a one-year-old child in KwaMaphumulo.

Mchunu, who is angered by on-going killings in KwaMaphumulo and KwaDukuza, has expressed grave concerns after receiving reports that last Friday a baby was murdered and a 12-year-old was left injured.

The attack took place at KwaMaphumulo rank manager, Mthobisi Hlongwa’s home in Mbitane.

He was not at home at the time as he was attending a night vigil.

The attackers poured petrol at the door of Hlongwa’s home, and when his partner took the children out of the house, the men opened fire on the group.

Second in two weeks

This is the second incident in two weeks where individuals linked to the taxi industry have been attacked in the area.

Last week a group of armed men opened fired on a convoy of security guards escorting a KwaMaphumulo taxi operator in Stanger Manor.

One suspect and the taxi operator died following the exchange of gunfire.

An urgent meeting was convened by Mchunu with the provincial police management to discuss interventions to curb incidents of taxi violence in the area.

Mchunu said, ‘I am pleading to everyone with information to work with the police to ensure that suspects on this case are captured and that their fate be sealed when they rot in jail.

‘In the meantime, we believe that the increased presence of the SAPS and the Hawks will assist in the speedy arrest of suspects.

‘Those who break the law and terrorise communities will face the long arm of the law.

‘To be certain, nothing will stop us from achieving sustainable peace and stability in the KwaDukuza and Maphumulo area,’ said Mchunu.

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