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Numbers guru Mlungisi figured it all out

Mlungisi Shongwe from Khombindlela High School receives 7 distinctions.

‘MY grandmother is so excited, she is taking us out for dinner tonight!’

These were the first words Mlungisi Shongwe from Khombindlela High School uttered after receiving his outstanding matric results.

The young accounting guru pocketed an impressive seven distinctions to end off his successful five years at Khombindlela and missed his eighth by only 4%, obtaining 76 % for English. He earned distinctions in isiZulu, mathematics, life orientation, accounting, agricultural management practices, business studies and economics.

‘I can’t believe I was so close to my last distinction, but I am still very pleased,’ said Mlungisi.

Among his many achievements, he was also the first pupil at the school to receive a distinction for agricultural management practices.

His impressive marks are a result of a combination of hard work and countless hours of extra lessons.

‘I would first attend school and then complete two sessions of extra lessons – a six to six day,’ said Mlungisi. ‘But it was worth it.’

Although his teachers played a role in his achievements, his parents’ undying support meant the most to him.

‘My parents always encouraged and assisted me, whether it was with my work or transporting me to my extra lessons.’

The avid chess player finds comfort in listening to Whitney Houston while reading through his study notes.

‘My bedroom looks like a laboratory. I have posters on all the walls to help me with my subjects.’

To add to the celebrations, Mlungisi also received news of his acceptance to Wits University, where he will study for a Bachelor of Accountancy Science degree on a bursary, starting from next week.

‘I have been passionate about accounting since I was in Grade 10, I would lie in bed at night and go over the figures in my head.’

Emotional mother Busi Mthembu said, ‘Every parent needs to understand the sacrifices, compromises and support needed for a child in Grade 12. At the end it feels as if you are the pupil. What my son has achieved is only the beginning.’

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