Seven-ups for Bay boffins!

John Ross College matrics achieve seven distinctions.

TWO John Ross College pupils are in seventh heaven after receiving news of their remarkable matric results.

Daryl Reddy and Cicelia Barkhuizen were both flabbergasted when they achieved seven distinctions in what was described as ‘a tough finale’ to their school careers.

They scored As for English, Afrikaans, Maths, Life Orientation, Accounting, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.

With Daryl’s goal of becoming a chemical engineer and Cicelia’s eye on the prize to one day be a chartered accountant for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the two young adults are ready to run towards their bright futures.

‘I’m ecstatic, yet speechless about my results,’ said Daryl.

‘I didn’t think I’d get seven!

‘My parents have always inspired me to aim for the best – not just settle for a ‘pass’ so I’d like to thank my mom and dad.

‘And without my teachers, I would never have been able to do this well.

‘They did not only teach us, but also encouraged us all the time.’

Daryl was awarded a BHP Billiton bursary to study engineering at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

Proud father Dan Reddy boasted he has been a star achiever from a young age.

‘I am so proud of him,’ said Dan.

‘I will never forget when in Grade 7, Daryl took all the awards, including the Good Fellowship Award.

‘We needed to get a new cupboard to store all his awards.

‘He just never gave up.’

Cicelia was equally dumbstruck by news of all her aces.

‘I expected maybe three As,’ she said.

‘They were tough exams. I really wanted to make my parents proud and I believe I have accomplished that for sure!

‘A big thanks to all my teachers for pushing me to do my best and never to settle for less.’

On hearing the happy news, grandmother Maxie Minny teared up and exclaimed, ‘that’s my clever girl!’

‘No one ever needed to motivate her,’ said Maxie.

‘She just always worked hard without any encouragement.

‘I’m so proud of her. She’s a wonderful person and I love her so much.’

According to results issued to the media on Monday and made public on Tuesday, Daryl and Cecilia were the highest achievers in Richards Bay.

Cicilia signs her seven distinctions to dog Fuzzy PHOTO: Mia Moorcroft
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