Is the tsunami warning real?

A BBM tsunami hoax is currently doing the rounds.

THERE is no truth in the rumour, currently doing the rounds on BBM, that the coastline is about to be hit by a massive tsunami.

An alarmist BBM that many have received warns that a tsunami, of a greater magnitude than the one that caused such devastation on Boxing Day 2004, is due to reach our shores at 6pm this evening. However, no tsunami warnings, here or anywhere else in the world, have been issued.

A brief tsunami warning, issued in Indonesia, after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake occurred in eastern Indonesia two days ago, was lifted earlier this week.

The false tsunami warning might have been triggered by this warning or by recent heavy seas.

High tides have already taken their toll on Alkantstrand with tidal surges eating away a huge chunk of the fragile Zululand coastline.

Read more about the Zululand coastline HERE


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