Businessman charged with kidnapping and murder

Angry Kwambo community opposes bail.

A LARGE group of angry protesters demonstrated loudly outside the KwaMbonambi Magistrate’ Court this morning as businessman Bongani Mbuyazi and four other appeared briefly on charges including kidnapping and murder.

The outraged crowd allege that the gang has conducted a reign of terror in the Nhlabane community, where the beaten-up body of local resident Mbo Welcome Menyuka was found buried at the beach on Friday.

He had been reported missing since being abducted in broad daylight at Nhlabane Reserve on Thursday, 2 October, allegedly by Mbuyazi and his co-accused.

Residents, who claim there may be as many as 10 more victims going back to 2008, said if the gang is granted bail, either the lives of the suspects or the community would be in danger.

‘We don’t want them among us,’ said one protester – the banners, chanting and toy-toying clearly carrying this message.

The accused are due to appear in the Empngeni District Court tomorrow morning for the bail hearing.

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