CrimeNewsRhino Diaries

5 rhinos down in 3 days

Three cases of rhino poaching were reported over the weekend.

THERE have been reports that five rhino were killed over the weekend.

Staff at the iSimangaliso Wetland Park have confirmed the discovery of a two-day old carcass in the southern section of the Ozabeni reserve. Both horns were removed.

In the Kube Yeni Private Reserve a carcass, estimated to be two days old, was found with its horns neatly removed. The reserve is near the uMkhuze and Phinda Game Reserves.

A third white rhino was found in the Double H Private Reserve.
The rhino was shot about two days ago and had both horns stolen.

Although it is believed that two white rhinos were killed in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife’s Musa Mntambo could not confirm the loss.

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