How to recycle

Place clearly signed recycling bins in a designated area.

How to recycle at home

* Separate your waste – keep wet (waste) and dry (recyclables) apart
* Find out which recyclables are accepted for recycling in your community (a school, drop-off site, buy-back centre or curb-site collection) by the Municipality
* Educate your household – post a list of the things that are recycled somewhere visible until you and your family get into the habit
* Set up a holding area for your recyclables – it could be a box or clearly marked bins. Once you have collected enough recyclable materials, plan a trip to your nearest drop-off site (saves fuel!!) or support * your curbside collection.

How to recycle at the office

* Assess your office or work environment and determine what type of recyclable waste is mostly produced or available
* Ensure that everyone at the office knows how the recycling project works
* Identify a collector of recyclables who will collect or buy from your office, or a charity organization that would benefit from the recyclables
* Identify which materials will be the easiest to recycle or collect
* Ensure that your office has a well managed storage facility for the recyclables
* Separate your waste – keep wet (waste) and dry (recyclables) apart. Place your clearly signed recycling bins in a designated area, familiar to all.

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