Call for calm after Bay crime spike

Richards Bay crime spike raises concerns.

THERE is no need for public panic despite the number of high profile crimes in Richards Bay over the past few weeks.

That’s the message from Station Commissioner, Brigadier Bongamusa Zondi, who said that at most, two of the cases may be linked to the same perpetrators.

Following the discovery of a decomposed body in the boot of a car in Birdswood on 18 August, the double murder and torching of the home of Meerensee couple Ernst and Lilo Boller took place on 5 September.

This was followed by the killing of Empangeni resident Kerridge Singleton on or around 8 September.

Within the next week, Arboretum gunshot victim Janine Geere survived a driveway shooting and another Arboretum resident, Phillip van der Westhuizen(27), is fighting for his life after being shot twice early Tuesday morning while preparing to leave his home for work at the Thuthukani Adult Workshop.

A suspect was reportedly clearly identified from video footage and a speedy arrest is expected.

Staff at Thuthukani were ‘praying for Phillip and his family after this shocking incident’.

‘While not in any way minimising the serious nature of these crimes, I want to assure residents that this is not a crime wave by a particular gang,’ said Zondi.

‘These are isolated incidents and detectives are heavily engaged in searching for suspects.

‘Naturally we would appreciate any information members of the public might be able to share.

’I am pleased to report that suspects have been arrested in connection with the murder of Mr Singleton.’

Business Against Crime manager Dave Whittaker said he was confident police were on top of the murder cases.

‘Naturally they cannot divulge where they are in terms of their investigations but be assured, progress is being made.’

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