Municipal employee arrested in Mtuba

Mtuba Municipal Administrator confirms three cases have been opened with the police.

A MTUBATUBA Municipal employee was arrested last week in connection with one of three criminal cases opened by Bamba Ndwandwe in his capacity as Municipal Administrator.

As part of the Mtubatuba Municipality turnaround initiative, a forensic investigation commissioned by COGTA in 2011 and implemented by Ndwandwe, has begun yielding results.

Ndwandwe on Thursday confirmed that three cases have been opened with the police.

One case of fraud involves the training of non-municipal staff under the municipal training programmes, the second case of fraud relates to an accident involving a municipal vehicle during the 2010 Soccer World Cup and the third case relates to procurement irregularities.

Arts and Culture Coordinator at the municipality, Sipho Msane, was arrested and appeared in the Mtubatuba Magistrate’s Court with regards to the vehicle accident incident. and released on R5 000 bail on Wednesday.

Msane, who drove the municipal vehicle without a driver’s licence and after the accident falsely claimed another person was behind the wheel, was initially disciplined with a ‘slap on the wrist’.

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