Mpunza Hill forest hacked away

Shocking satellite photos show destruction of indigenous forestry in Richards Bay.

BEFORE-and-after satellite photos circulating on email has laid bare the devastation of the previously protected Mpunza Hill forest in Richards Bay.

Google Earth images taken in 2010 and this year clearly illustrates the rapid growth of an informal settlement between popular suburbs Birdswood and Arboretum.

A large portion of the indigenous forestry was cut down earlier this year when the Shembe Nazareth Church requested permission from the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development to clear the 1.6ha plot for an annual month-long celebration.

However, in April MEC Mechack Radebe refused the appeal, explaining ‘the destruction of the forest can have serious environmental implications and can be detrimental to the area’s indigenous forest’.

Less than a month later, Radebe’s instruction was disregarded with a large extension of the property cleared to accommodate temporary housing structures for thousands of worshippers attending the services.

A more permanent township also appears to have sprung up with the village now boasting permanent brick buildings and painted wooden homes.

The Zululand Observer still awaits comment from the City of uMhlathuze Municipality.


A photo recently taken shows the much larger development in the forest between Birdswood and Arboretum
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