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Call for alleged nepotism probe

Allegations of nepotism in uMkhanyakude District.

IFP LEADER in the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, Blessed Gwala, has called for an urgent investigation into the awarding of contracts in uMkhanyakude District Municipality.

In a statement, Gwala specifically referred to a contract valued at R33-million which was allegedly awarded to the company of COGTA (Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs) MEC Nomusa Dube Ncube’s husband.

The contract, to install water pipes in the district municipality was, according to Gwala, not the first contract to be awarded to Dube Ncube’s husband’s company by a local government entity.

‘It would appear MEC Dube Ncube is using her position to influence the awarding of contracts to companies belonging to her husband,’ said Gwala.

‘We are aware these companies were awarded contracts in other municipalities, like Mandeni Municipality’.

Raising questions of nepotism and favouritism in the awarding of contracts, Gwala said the practice undermines the tender process and supply chain management procedures in place to ensure equal opportunity for all tender companies.

Gwala demanded the investigation be made public, as well as surety from Dube Ncube that her husband’s companies are not given preferential treatment at the expense of others.

‘As the IFP we will not remain silent when such blatant malpractices are taking place in our province,’ concluded Gwala.

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