
Valuation roll re-opened

Mtubatuba valuation roll open for inspection

MTUBATUBA Municipality has re-opened the viewing of its valuation roll, giving property owners within the local municipality until the end of the month to lodge objections.

In terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Municipal Property Rates Act 2004, residents within the Mtubatuba local municipality are invited to view the valuation roll and lodge objections if necessary.

It is important to note that an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the valuation roll as such.

The valuation roll can be viewed during office hours at the municipal offices in both Mtubatuba and St Lucia, as well as online:

Application forms for lodging objections are available at both municipal offices and online.

Those who lodged objections during the first notice need not object again.

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