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High price paid for promises

'Win the Lotto' adverts cost clients plenty.

THEY were promised good luck, prosperity, power and peace of mind.

Instead, the lives of a young Richards Bay couple (names withheld) have been turned into a nightmare of debt and despair at the hands of unscrupulous conmen who preyed on their fear of ‘evil elements’.

They’ve lost their home, their car, their furniture, their friends and their faith.

And with four children to care for, the future is bleak indeed.

It started towards the end of last year when, after a spate of bad luck, the husband responded to a newspaper advertisement promising miracle cures, spiritual healing, blessings and good fortune.

‘Someone at work suggested that I turn to this person, to reverse this trend of negative events.

‘Although we were church-going people and not inclined to believe in this muthi mumbo-jumbo, a desperate person will do anything,’ said the man.

‘I met this so-called Doctor, a young foreigner, at premises in the Richards Bay CBD.

‘After I paid a consultancy fee he began a ritual, spitting into a pot.’

What followed was pure theatre, with the lights flickering on and off, ‘ancestors’ speaking, and a vision of bones and small coffins.

‘I was told my life was in danger. I was truly scared.

‘They said I must sacrifice two goats and a chicken to ‘bind this evil spirit’.’

The man forked out R4 000 for the sacrificial animals, the first of many payments he would make to appease the spirits or purchase the miracle antidotes or preparations required for various rituals and the ridding of ‘bad spells’.

‘All along the way, I was being told the path to my prosperity was being cleared…it just needed one more sum of money, then another, and another.


‘They made me put a blank lotto ticket in a sealed envelope, which they switched in front of my eyes, revealing that I had won R23-million.

‘They showed me a box full of R100 notes, but said they could not just give me the cash yet, as evil spirits would follow me.’

The promises, negotiations with ancestors and payments – using borrowed money – continued over a period of months, with the couple seeing at least two other ‘healers’.

As they got deeper and deeper into the world of wizardry, this included a meeting in a graveyard in Durban.

Ironically, one of the adverts they responded to promised to ‘protect and save you from these con artists who prey on people’s minds’.

Eventually they were given a blue trunk ‘filled with blood money’, which was not to be opened before first being washed with ‘holy water’ – which cost R10 000, money they simply do not have after exhausting every possible supply.

‘We had given them our Christmas bonus, our savings, money from selling our car, various borrowings; and yet we still somehow believed it was going to happen, we would get our big reward.’

After being convinced they had been conned and this was a matter for the police to investigate, the lock on the trunk was broken open on Monday night.

Inside they found cardboard, papers and old clothing.

A charge of theft under false pretences is pending.


  1. Yes,how stupid can you be? And how little is your faith to turn to this? We also struggle,alot,but still dont fall for this

  2. Stupid is an understatement here. What’s worse is that you have kids, how ridiculously stupid can u be

  3. Hang in there brother. I know exactly what you are going through I have been there. Just go back to basics, first is to get a job, second is to live within your means and pay off yor debt. Third is to always look for legitimate opportunities to make money e.g. investing at say capitec who will be offering above inflation interst. More importantly never give up and invest in yourself through education. Do listen to the rubbish that these people are saying because one day they will be so wrong and you will be smiling and they will be frowning when things go horrible for them. I was there believe me the ceremonies, prophets, rituals, fear, desperation. In the end I decided to believe in myself and God. I wish you and your family the very best of luck and I will say a special prayer for you.

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