A stitch in time

From drug addict, alcoholic and ex-con to proud business owner.

HE discovered his talent in prison and has since been sewing his way to the top.

Basil Musa Mthethwa (33) from eMabhuyeni reserve in KwaMthethwa area, has not only established his own clothing company, but assists others to change their lives.

When he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for hijacking, he never felt robbed of his freedom, but took it as an opportunity to stitch patches of his past life together. He rolled up his sleeves and made some major alterations.

It all started in 2002 when he went to Qalakabusha Correctional Services to serve his sentence.

Mthethwa registered through distance learning and completed his matric. As a way of avoiding being involved with prison gangs, he soon enrolled for a sewing course.

‘I realised crime was taking me nowhere slowly. In prison, even older people are still studying. I made a point of changing my life to the better,’ said Mthethwa.

While other inmates were worried about which group to follow, he perfected and mastered the art of sewing. He began providing a service to other inmates and warders.

‘I didn’t know how good I was with my hands, but I am glad I had the opportunity to find out before it was too late.

‘After a while, police and warders came to me to repair their clothes. I did all by hand because there were no sewing machines in prison,’ said Mthethwa.

Tough road ahead

When he was released in 2011, he hoped to start his company. He soon realised he had a long tough road ahead. His community rejected him and no one believed in his dreams.

‘It was hard because no one wanted to assist someone like me. Society always compare us ex-cons with wild animals. They always say, ‘a leopard never changes its spots’.

‘I wanted to prove them wrong and show them anyone can change,’ Mthethwa said.

Through all challenges, Mthethwa fixed his eyes on the future and hoped for the best. From being a drug addict, alcoholic and an ex-con, he is now a proud owner of his company, Methusalem Clothing Designer and Embroidery.

It specialises in making golf shirts, school uniforms, tracksuits and company work wear.

‘I want to assist other ex-convicts, to start afresh and do something worthwhile with their lives. This company offers to assist them and other people who are interested in sewing.’

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