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Accident claims curious child

The two boys walked into the road to inspect the road kill.

MAKING their way home on Sunday afternoon from a fishing trip at a nearby dam, a group of five boys from Mankwanyaneni Reserve, Matshana witnessed the gruesome death of their friend, Nhlanzeko Sikhahane (14).

Walking along the R34 near Empangeni Milling, the group of boys aged between five and 14 noticed a dead animal in the middle of the road which sparked an argument between them on what type of animal it had been.

According to Empangeni SAPS Spokesperson Captain Mbongeni Mdlalose, the boys had been arguing whether the flesh of the animal belonged to a dog or a rabbit when the eldest boys Sikhahane and Lwazi Mshengu (12) walked to the middle of the road to have a closer look.

‘The younger boys warned their friends not to walk on the road because of the passing vehicles and the danger it posed, but they did not listen and proceeded to inspect the animal to confirm its identity,’ said Mdlalose.

‘An Ocilwane, KwaMthethwa man with two passengers in the vehicle came driving around the corner and before seriously injuring Mshengu, he drove right over the body of Sikhahane,’

‘The driver immediately drove Mshengu to Ngwelezana Hospital where he is being treated for his injuries. We are hoping he pulls through,’ said Mdlalose.

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