Informative exhibition drives SMME empowerment

Information sharing and business skills workshop for SMME's.

AIMED at providing a networking and exhibition platform for small, medium and micro enterprises (SMME) and cooperatives, the uThungulu District Municipality hosted a business information workshop yesterday (Wednesday) at the Empangeni Civic Centre.

The exhibition showcases the innovative products and services of the SMMEs and uThungulu District Municipality Local Economic Development Officer, Mduduzi Zulu said the event would be phenomenal in the exposure and support for upcoming business owners.

‘This exhibition promotes and encourages our SMMEs and the government’s means of supporting job creation opportunities and fighting against poverty and other social ills,’ said Zulu.

The three-part presentation, which focused on business compliance and regulation issues, business opportunities, mentorship and incubation services as well as access to finance, also included a creative skit by members of the Khula Arts Centre who entertained and educated the crowd on the functions of these imperative SMME spheres.

uThungulu Municipal Manager, Mandla Nkosi said SMMEs are the centre of economic growth and development and through them job creation is able to flourish.

‘More than 40% of our own Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is contributed from the SMME sector. It is a incredibly large portion and, therefore, it is vital for our district municipality to invest therein,’ said Nkosi.

Having started off selling their soft wire products at non-profit company Zikulise Skills Development Centre, Mbali and Bongi Nxumalo now run a SMME in Durban and eShowe
Khula Arts Centre members performed an informative and humorous skit on SMME cooperatives
Ikhiwane Designs co-founder Pamela Madide runs an operative SMME in designing and creating modern African attire
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