uThungulu prays for peaceful elections

The courts must severely punish those who rape our children, women and the elderly.

CRIES denouncing abuse of women and children and the increasing abuse of the elderly and drug abuse resounded around Erico Park as the church members and politicians held a prayer against these social ills. There were also prayers for a peaceful election.

Together with the church, uThungulu District Municipality held a prayer meeting which began with a march on Friday morning from the City Hall, through Empangeni, to the sports ground.

Songs of prayer warmed the marquee with the New African Church of SA members wearing their church uniforms, while others wore their party T-shirts.

Messages of support

‘We are gathered here today as a commission of religions to pray for peaceful elections, and also for the end to all the wrong things happening within our communities.

‘We have had enough with those who abuse our people, who sell drugs to our children, and those who abuse our elderly people. We implore God to bring an end to all these evils which threaten our communities. We also pray for political parties contesting the elections on the 7 May, for there to be peace and tolerance for each other,’ said Rev. H Mbatha.

IEC Official Thule Dlamini said, ‘We request all the people of uThungulu to go and vote on the 7 May.’

DA’s Ray Peters reminded the politicians of their role as the leaders chosen by God.

‘We are gathered here today to pray for peace in the whole of Zululand during this time towards elections.

‘Those who know the Lord, will have the strength to serve His people,’ he said.

The South African Communist Party’s Nozipho Buthelezi asked for all to pray for the government who will look after the needs of the poor and the downtrodden.

Let this prayer also condemn the drug lords

City of uMhlathuze Speaker, Mvuseni Mnqayi, delivered a message on behalf of uThungulu District Deputy Mayor, Thulani Mashaba. ‘The president of the country has issued a mandate for all church denominations to pray for peace during these coming elections.

‘The president also asked us to denounce those who are in the business of destroying our communities by selling drugs to our children, and in the process, destroying the moral fibre of the people and the future of this nation.

‘We also ask for the magistrates of our courts to issue severe penalties to those who rape our children, women and grandmothers,’ said Mnqayi.


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