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Cheaper taxi fares with new system

Esikhaleni taxi commuters can expect changes next month.

ESIKHALENI residents will soon benefit from a new taxi system.

In attempt to decrease cost, the eSikhawini Taxi Association (ETA) will station all taxis to Richards Bay and Empangeni at the eSikhawini shopping mall from 19 May.

In the past, taxis had to travel around the township collecting commuters many times before leaving for their destinations. This wasted petrol and time.

According to ETA chairperson Nkosi Mzimela, commuters will benefit from the new system.

‘Instead of increasing taxi fares owing to the rise of petrol costs, we decided to come up with this new plan.’

eSikhaleni ward 21 councillor Musa Mbokazi confirmed the new agreement with the ETA. He said having one loading zone will ensure passengers arrive at work on time.

‘The space next to the ANC monument will be developed into a loading zone. Instead of taxis doing the rounds in the township, they will now be able to leave on time.

‘In the meantime, the open space next to the Bhambatha hostels will be temporally used as the waiting area for taxis. This will help curb high petrol costs and limit taxi fare increases,’ said Mbokazi.

The cost from eSikhaleni Mall to Empangeni and Richards Bay will now cost R10 instead of R15, and local taxis will now charge R5 instead of R7.


  1. This doesn’t change anything for people who reside far from the waiting Area, who will still Pay R5 For local Taxi, that will still go around, and wait in a queue for a Taxi and Pay R10 which will equal to the same R15 as before.

    This will only benefit the owners and those who reside close to that area. To others this will be the same Price and it will take more time to get to their destination.

  2. This will be a good system for people. Instead of increasing the taxi fare, which most taxis will do in May, I think our taxi association not only did they think of their passangers, but they actually gave it much thought.
    Sanele, I think you should look at the bigger picture here. Fees were going to go up, but they decided not to….instead decrese the fares. We must commend them on that.

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