NSRI faces critical fuel shortage

Top up the Sea Rescues tanks.

THEY have saved many souls over the years through their selfless dedication, but this time, it is the Richards Bay Sea Rescue crews who are in need of a lifeline.

They are looking for public support this weekend when members will be asking for donations towards fuel costs after having lost their main fuel donor.

The NSRI Station 19 team – unpaid volunteer men and women who offer up their time and expertise to save lives – will be out in force on Saturday at Boardwalk Inkwazi and Meerensee Spar.

‘The local NSRI is regarded as one of the busiest along the country’s coastline,’ said Deputy Station Commander Brynn Gericke.

‘Our range stretches along 320 km of coastline from Tugela Mouth in the south to the Mozambique border in the north.

‘As an organisation, we are entirely dependent on donations and contributions from both the private and public sectors, without which it would be impossible for us to operate efficiently.

‘Our volunteers ask nothing in return except that they have top-notch kit when they head out to sea, while the rest of us are battening down the hatches and heading indoors.

‘Without fuel they would be stumped and unable to respond to those in need.

‘This weekend’s fundraising drive is to top up their tanks and keep them afloat.

‘Please pop down to meet them and show your support. It’s frequently 4am in a gale-force storm when they are out saving lives, so a pat on the shoulder and a coin in the tin will mean the world to them.’

Companies willing to transfer funds should contact Brynn on 083 2545538 or email brynn@intekom.co.za.

These donations qualify for SARS 18A and BBBEE benefits.

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