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Illegally painting the town red

A number of illegal posters and signs are popping up all over Empangeni and Richards Bay

WITH elections a few weeks away, party campaigning is in full swing, however, spray-painting logos around town is illegal.

While driving from Richards Bay to Empangeni a number of Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) logos are noticed illegally spray-painted on bridges and walls.

Congress Of The People (COPE) is in the mix as well with a poster plastered illegally on the same bridge.

According to City of uMhlatuze Chief Communications Officer, Vukile Mathabela, ‘No person shall display or erect any advertising sign or hoarding, or use any structure or device as an advertising sign or hoarding without first having obtained the written approval of the Council.

Mathabela explained this is not always followed.

‘On a daily basis we are removing illegal posters and advertisements placed in and around town, ranging from abortion clinics advertising their services to concerts and shows and now, with elections round the corner, we have to watch for that too.

‘If illegal posters or advertisements are seen, we, as the municipality, remove them and fine the guilty parties.’

EFF co-ordinater Rebecca Monhlala said, ‘We are aware of the problem but want to make it clear that we do not support vandalism of any form.’

She added, ‘We will be speaking to our supporters making sure they follow and obey the laws that are in place. We will also investigate the areas where the vandalism has taken place and fix the problem, once its been identified.’

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