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Carpe diem for cancer survivor Dawne

Cancer survivor shares her story

WHEN life handed her lemons, she made lemon cheesecake with a hint of orange zest because nothing could defeat the vivacious 67-year-old cancer survivor and self- proclaimed baker of note.

As the globe commemorates World Cancer Day on Tuesday, 4 February, the Zululand Observer touched base with a phenomenal woman of strength – Dawne Vermaak in Empangeni.

Diagnosed in 2011 after a mammogram, the mother of three and grandmother of eight, endured a rough journey to overcome her battle.

‘The nurse checked the same spot three times and I just knew,’ she said.

‘The tests came back positive and I felt like someone picked up a heavy object and bashed me on the head, I literally couldn’t think straight,’ said Dawne.

‘It was actually Valentine’s Day and my husband, John, kept asking, ‘When are we getting out of here? We have a dinner date?’

‘Well, we never did make that dinner,’ she said.

When the reality of it all had sunk in, Dawne had only one wish.

‘All I wanted was a family photo while I still had my hair,’ she said.

Happy her wish had been granted, she took the rest in her stride.

‘I have never questioned ‘why me?’ I believe everything we go through is part of our journey,’

‘How you choose to handle it determines the outcome. I chose to get on with the job of living day-by-day and if it got bad, then hour-by-hour,’ she said.

Having started chemotherapy shortly after her diagnosis, Dawne had a lot to adjust to.

‘After my first two chemo sessions, I had accidents and fell, injuring myself and I actually broke two toes which was not pleasant,’

‘I realised I had been struggling because I had taken my eyes off God,’

‘After that, it was like God literally took me by the hand and lead me through the rest of my chemo and I recalled the scripture, ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe’

‘Listen to your body. Find strength in faith and surround yourself with people who listen and offer upliftment not sympathy. Live today because it is all you have. There’s no room for gloom,’ she said.

She keeps busy doing business admin, washing the guest house linen and Bible studies. Dawne admits she is captivated by the computer game ‘Candy Crush’.

‘Yes I’m human. And I love chocolate,’ she said.

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