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Be a hero and give blood

Calling donors to give blood and save a life

THE South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has implemented a national recruitment campaign to encourage healthcare workers in South Africa to donate blood. The campaign is aimed at every doctor, nurse, pharmacist, paramedic, technician and anyone dedicating their days caring for the sick and injured, premature babies and the elderly, including non-medical and support staff members.

Yesterday, Ngwelezana Hospital took part in the nationwide blood drive campaign aimed at collecting 100 units of blood.

In May last year, the KwaZulu-Natal SANBS zone initiated blood drives at various provincial hospitals in an attempt to make blood donation more accessible to healthcare workers.

The project is expected to continue for the New Year and all other healthcare professionals, not based at the targeted hospitals, are encouraged to visit their nearest blood donor centre to be part of the initiative.

‘Blood is something we all expect to be there for us when we need it, yet only 1% of the South African population give blood,’ said SANBS Marketing Consultant Sifiso Khoza.

‘At the beginning of each year, many of us take up New Year’s resolutions. We plan to lose weight, work harder, buy a new car, or perhaps do something new we’ve never tried like bungee jumping or learning a new language,’

‘This year instead of making resolutions for ourselves, why don’t we make resolutions about helping others? If there is one thing we can take away from the recent celebration of Mandela’s life, it is that a truly good life is one that is offered for others,’ he added.

‘Each donation takes only about an hour and can help up to three people and the donation process is simple. You will fill in a questionnaire concerning your health and lifestyle; we will then check your blood pressure and take a drop of your blood to make sure you are not anaemic and that it is safe for you to donate.

A qualified sister will do a short personal interview with you and, if all is well, we will take your donation,’

‘Each day, 3 000 units of blood must be collected to supply the hospitals in South Africa. The need for blood is on-going.

Every 35 seconds someone in South Africa needs a blood transfusion,’ he added.

‘There are many people who haven’t donated before, or haven’t done so for a while, and we are asking them to come forward and donate blood regularly. Don’t let life get in the way of LIFE,’ said Khoza.

For more information regarding the nearest Blood Donor Centre contact SANBS on the toll free number 0800 119 031 or visit www.sanbs.org.za.

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